3 biji telur
2 tangkai cili merah [tumbuk/blend]
2 ulas bawang merah
cili merah
1. Gaulkan bahan telur kecuali minyak dan buattkan scrambled eggs [telur hancur].
2. Gaulkan semua bahan sayuran ngan scrambled egg. Rasakan garamnya.
3. Hiaskan dengan mayonis.
4. Hidangkan dengan roti atau nasi.
250 makaroni
kacang merah [kakliza gunakan dalam tin]
kacang kuda [rendam dan rebus lembut]
cili kapsicum merah ]
cili kapsicum hijau ] mayang
jagung [rebus]
tomato [potong kecil]
olive oil
1. Rebuskan makaroni dengan garam sehingga lembut.
2. Toskan dan gaulkan dengan olive oil.
3. Gaulkan dengan bahan lain dan hidangkan bersama ayam panggang dan roti.
1 biji tomato
1 batang timun
sedikit kobis manis
cili sos
1. Semua sayuran dipotong dadu.
2. Gaulkan mayonis dan sos cili.
3. Gaulkan sayuran dan mayonis.
4. Hidangkan.
500 gm kentang
1 biji cili capsikum ]
1 labu bawang besar ] potong dadu
2 biji cili hijau ]
1/2 cawan kacang merah besar [optional..gunakan dalam tin]
2 s/b roasted cashewnut
2 s/b butter
1 s/b dry oregano
1. Kentang dibuangkan kulit dan potong kecil. Rebus sehingga masak. Toskan.
2. Panaskan butter dan gorengkan kentang sehingga nampak keperangan.
3. Masukkan bawang besar, cili capsikum, cili hijau dan garam. Kacau rata.
4. Bila nampak layu masukkan kacang merah dan cashewnut.
5. Taburkan dry oregano dan kacau rata. Tutup api.
6. Hidangkan dengan ayam panggang.
All ingredients should be cold, crisp and fresh.
Wash lettuce leaves and all salad vegetables thoroughly under running water.
Do not store lettuce or leafy vegetables damp.
Always use a sharp knife
Combine salad ingredients lightly with two forks.
Add dressing at the last minute, to ensure that the salad does not go soggy.
Salads should always be as fresh as possible, it is essential to buy the best and freshest vegetables and fruits available.
For crisp lettuce, store in a bowl with slightly sweetened water for 1 hour.
The name 'cole' in coleslaw comes from a Dutch word meaning 'cabbage'.
If you cry everytime you chop an onion, try soaking then in water for 30 minutes.
Tips to help you and your family eat more vegetables:
Buy fresh vegetables that are in season. They usually cost less and taste better.
Stock up on frozen vegetables for quick and easy cooking in the microwave.
Use a microwave to quickly “zap” vegetables. White or sweet potatoes can be baked quickly this way.
Vary your veggie choices to keep meals interesting.
Try crunchy vegetables, raw or lightly steamed.
Plan some meals around a vegetable main dish, such as a vegetable stir-fry or soup. Then add other foods to go with it.
Try a main dish salad for lunch. Go light on the salad dressing.
Include a lettuce salad with your dinner several nights every week.
Shred carrots or zucchini into meatloaf, casseroles, quick breads, and muffins.
Include chopped vegetables in pasta sauce or lasagna.
Grill vegetable kabobs as part of a barbecue meal. Try tomatoes, mushrooms, green peppers, and onions.
Add lettuce, tomato, green pepper, spinach or onion to sandwiches
Eat a soup that contains vegetables
Make vegetables taste great:
Many vegetables taste great with a dip or dressing. Try a low-fat salad dressing with raw broccoli, red and green peppers, celery sticks or cauliflower.
Add color to salads by adding baby carrots, shredded red cabbage, or spinach leaves. Include in-season vegetables for variety through the year.
Include cooked dry beans or peas in flavorful mixed dishes, such as chili or minestrone soup.
Keep a bowl of cut-up vegetables in a clear container in the refrigerator. Try carrots, celery, broccoli, cucumber slices, small ripe tomatoes, red or green pepper strips.
Vegetable tips for children:
Set a good example for children by eating vegetables with meals and as snacks.
Let children decide on the dinner vegetables or what goes into salads.
Depending on their age, children can help shop for, clean, peel, or cut up vegetables.
While shopping, allow children to pick out a new vegetable to try later at home.
Use cut-up vegetables as part of afternoon snacks.
Children often prefer foods served separately. Rather than mixed vegetables try serving two vegetables separately. Keep it safe!
Wash fruits and vegetables before preparing or eating them. Under clean, running water rub fruits or vegetables briskly with your hands to remove dirt and surface germs. Dry after washing with a clean dish towel or paper towel.
Keep fruits and vegetables separate from raw meat, poultry and seafood while shopping, preparing, or storing.
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